“only two eyes can see the same ..... why not all.....?” (Arij Emaan) … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

“only two eyes can see the same ..... why not all.....?” (Arij Emaan) … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

I am always having with my dear Arij ... kind of a philosophical dance, but what i write in few pages ... Arij has the power to write just by using few words.

And ... i love her for the amazing talent of doing that!

Far away from me ... in the other side of the world ... she observed that 2 eyes can be the same ... but are never seeing reality in the same way.

Never ...

Hearing Arij ... i suddenly stop from all my activities and start to meditate ... not really understanding why this is so important.

But is funny .... cause my 2 eyes see reality in the same way Arij’s 2 beautiful eyes see it ... so is that theory correct or wrong?!

Well ... i saw so many times people defining situations in such a different way.


You could smile looking at 2 people arguing ... hearing the reality is dark ... and amazing in the same time ... but still you see it totally different as them.

And you see so many times ... those damm situations ... that you understand that in the end is just a perception.

Someone is seeing a situation ... in the most negative way ... but his close friend is laughing of him ... saying ... “You are just having one of those days ... when you are just idiot again, but don’t worry .... in this dance of your emotions ... tomorrow you will see things in a totally different way”.

And i smile ... cause i see myself in this scenario also ... on both sides.

It’s all a balance between seeing the world in beautiful and ugly colors ... positive and negative vibes ... not really understanding that there is no good or evil ... but just a perception of reality.

But one day ... i see 2 people that were falling in love one with the other ... and i was talking with them for hours.

They were always having the same thoughts, feelings, perceptions ... so i asked myself again if the theory came from Arij was true or not ... but suddenly i understood that what we call perception is totally related with the connectivity between the 2 people that we analyze in a scene.

If the connection between them is a good one, or even an amazing one ... same as at the people that are in love ... they see reality painted in the same colors ... no matter if the connection is a positive or a negative one ... but if the connection does not exists ... like is happening in most of the cases ... only 2 eyes can see the same.


Is not good or bad ... to see things in the way we see it ... cause it’s just a fundamental right ... of the human being to observe the world through the eyes of his soul ... but maybe we should have in mind to spend our lives ... with the people that are on the same frequency with us ... or on the frequency we would love to have all the time ... in case we dream for a change in our lives.


Download the book ”My relationship with the devil redefined my life” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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